Help Sort Medical Supplies for Lutheran Hospital in Madagascar

Volunteers Needed Now!


If you are a medical worker (nurse, doctor, PT, Resp. Therapist, or any other clinical professional) in the Indiana or Southern Ohio area, LCMS World Relief and Human Care could use your volunteer “elbow grease” to help us identify, sort, and pack a huge load of donated recycled medical equipment for our shipping container to the Lutheran Hospital in Madagascar.


We will spend one full day at the Indiana Orphan Grain Train Warehouse unloading the large semi of goods, making an inventory and then re-loading the items on a metal overseas shipping container. If you are in good health and can help us identify different medical goods and equipment, we would love to have you along.


Sat., October 3 from 9 am until evening.
Meet at the Orphan Grain Train warehouse in Elizabethtown, IN, Pack a lunch/supper picnic and we will supply water and drinks….and a lot a Christian fellowship as we serve joyfully together. Wear comfortable clothes for working. Bring a hat, work gloves and an allergy mask if you have problems with dust. Bring sturdy boxes with lids if you can obtain them. Rain Date: Sunday, October 4 from noon-evening.

More Info & Directions:
Call Maggie Karner
LCMS World Relief and Human Care
Director of Health and Life Ministries
Cell: 765-748-7743

1 comment:

Nitrile Gloves said...

If you are a medical worker (nurse, doctor, PT, Resp. Therapist, or any other clinical professional) in the Indiana or Southern Ohio area, LCMS World Relief and Human Care could use your volunteer “elbow grease” to help us identify, sort, and pack a huge load of donated recycled medical equipment for our shipping container to the Lutheran Hospital in Madagascar.

nitrile exam gloves